Monday, May 30, 2016

Day 16 Genuine Kindness

I finished my 16th day at Sebree Kentucky. I came to this Baptist Church and was looking around the outside and in the windows.  A man named Bob rode up on his bike, greeted me and asked if I ate. He was the retired Pastor of 35 years from that Baptist Church.  I came to his house across the street where a gathering of people had just finished eating. Bob's wife Violet put a place for me at the head of the table. They were very kind people. All locally retired. Instead of talking about me I asked about them. They each took turns telling me what their life was. Later Bob took me to the Church. It was wonderful.  Showers, laundry, kitchen, comfort. Very Nice of them, I am very grateful.

Day 16 Memorial Day

Day 15 Summary

I left Willem after around 40 miles today. I enjoyed him. He didn't need to go the distance that I need to because he was meeting his son in Colorado.  Now I am by myself. It was a long day because I couldn't find a campsite due to it was Memorial Day Weekend. A man from the Core Of Engineering (COE) called around and asked me if I had eight more miles left in me. I said, "Yes!"  He made arrangements with a (COE) camp down the road. It was very nice.

Day 15 Ferry Ride

Ferry Ride Through Chocolate

I was riding down a rode in the country and came to this old fashion river crossing. Cables kept the ferry centered. I was curious what they do when the river gets low, I guess drive across.

Barns Are Interesting

Barn On A Hill
I found this barn interesting. All the green growing on it surrounded by old fields.

What Are These Designs On Barns

Quilt Patch Design
I noticed for days these beautiful designs on barns. They are symmetrical, sometimes looking like a kaleidoscope effect, so I asked. They are quilt designs. I was told they can represent a family quilt that has been handed down or just a fashion design. There are some very beautiful designs. They are usually painted on a square wood panel.